Monday, January 12, 2009

I Need a Wave (Part 3)

For anybody who has ever been landlocked too long and watched a wake on a lake or a river, wondering if there's some chance of it being surfable, this is for you. I guess you actually can surf (using that word pretty loosely) on the Willamette River....


ras said...

one hour of shitty waves with a diesel powered monster seems a bit frivolous no?

Gazelle said...

I'd agree with ras, but on the other hand I have surfed shittier waves (and in the ocean, too). Ironic that Surfrider was thanked in the credits.

Kyle said...

Shoulda been bio diesel...

Regardless, kinda neet.

David J. Hirsh said...

Couple of ways to look at it:

1) surf is where you find it and those guys got more waves in five minutes of video than I have since before Christmas.

2) ship wakes in the Willamette strand (and thus kill) juvenile chinook salmon.

Either way, thanks for the link.


twin said...

hope those guys have had their shots. in 2006 the willamette was #3 of the top 16 endangered rivers due to toxic mixing zone. ick...