Sunday, July 20, 2008


It took some time and effort (and a little extra dinero) but we finally scored a nice day at this Mexican point on Saturday... Mellow takeoffs, glassy conditions, hollow sections inside, and, best of all, all by our selves for two hours....


Anonymous said...

Priceless indeed!

Sick shots.

Whiffleboy said...

OMG, dude! That looks like perfection in my book. Wow. Great score!

patrick said...

Yeah, I surfed that point last summer. It was a full on malibu session when I was there. You're very lucky to have had it to yourselves for a few hours. For the life of me I can't remember the name of that spot...oh well.

Mick said...

Well done Chum. I love the Mondrian T shirt. Great style too.

slidelines said...

bootifull mate these are the days to savor

Nash said...
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Unknown said...

Hi, Rick; I think you have met a new friend named Fausto!
Mary Alice

Anonymous said...

Is that Wolverine in the Tic Tac Tow shirt?

Dadio said...

Great looking surf. You look right at home. Glad you're enjoying yourself.


resintint said...

Those Lefts....I am really jealous of those beautiful looking lefts! You got it good brother.