Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I almost got used to that feeling of having a dark cloud
over my head all the time.

I almost forgot what it felt like to have hope --
a sense of pride in being American.

Until last night.

I went out with OS at around 10pm to "tap into the energy of democracy."

I'm inspired, and it's nice to know
I'm not alone.


David J. Hirsh said...

This is a great and important day for our country. Glad you had a chance to take in the energy out their last night. We kept it close to home as a family, but there was certainly no shortage of energy in our living room! Take care, Rick.


turtle said...

Great pic of President Obama! The message has been sent and hopefully the world is listening "We the people of the United States" are desperate for change and filled with hope.

Kept it close to home too anoche but between the fire works, car horns, and verbal exclamations it was clear peeps were pumped!