Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I found myself bored in a meeting the other day and my mind and pencil started to wander. I wondered what would happen if Serge Gainsbourg were alive today and he had the chance to meet Paris Hilton. The notion was probably spawned by an article I read in Vanity Fair that described a certain breed of guy in Hollywood who makes a name for himself by dating famous blonds. Gainbourg, or his drunken alter-ego Gainsbarre, would have surely gone out of his way to kick those losers in the balls and ridicule the shallowness of the chicks who seem to dominate the media these days.

If you don't believe me, check out this video, when Serge, having actually become the drunken Gainsbarre he invented, meets Whitney Houston.

Serge Gainsbourg - Requiem por un Con

What is this post doing on my surf blog? Not sure, really...


Kirk said...

Weird, I listened to Serge's 'Couleur Cafe' not more than an hour ago. Serge would go, and he'd have a brandy in one hand and a ciggy in the other

Chum said...

what an amazing album. keep on keeping on with the Swift Movement!

jchack said...

I think you meant to link to this Sege vrs. Whiteny

Chum said...

Yo mang, I had the linky but it was hard to see. Yours is good though with the translation!